Losing your home to foreclosure is a wrecking event that one can never forget throughout their life because of the effects it brings to a person especially if it’s on your primary residence. Consider a situation whereby your spouse or yourself have fallen sick or you lost your job and now making your monthly payments is impractical following to that you are on the blink of foreclosure as if your day is not bad enough the foreclosure is about to force you to change and relocate to a new neighborhood which could disrupt your kids schooling as well as their leisure activities. Foreclosure can cause stress and stigmatize because losing a home can also be seen as a loss of prestige because of the emphasis placed on it as an “American dream” and therefore foreclosure psychology is important to help a struggling homeowner avoid losing their esteem and start rebuilding their financial situation. Lowell is a city in Massachusetts and this is what is available in Lowell as foreclosure psychology is concerned:
Consumer credit counseling
This are services put in place and are meant to assist you towards rebuilding or rather improving your financial affairs. These services enable you to come up with a debt repayment plan which is affordable and gradually reduces your outstanding debt although it is not an immediate option it does the job of getting you a feasible solution to your problem. Dial 1-888-989-0608 for more information or consultation.
Foreclosure Prevention counseling
Counselors in this field provide troubled homeowners by a foreclosure threat with counseling and their case management that takes the following forms: budget and credit counseling; negotiating with the lender on your behalf or as your advisor during the negotiation towards a loan modification or mortgage forbearance or a short sale. The counselors handle each case individually with the main intention of keeping you in your home and where it is not an option help you identify an optimum resolve to your case.
1st contact foreclosure prevention counseling
Depending on the situation of your case will determine the nature of the service you expect to receive. If your case is emergent such as approaching foreclosure sale date or a court hearing you will be granted an immediate appointment sooner and the counselor will start by getting the foreclosure delayed and if your case does not call for an immediate attention you will be issued with a checklist for a number of documents for you first counseling session and you will be registered for 1-2 months foreclosure workshops held at the HPC; where they will help you understand the foreclosure process and programs available, review your papers and ask several general questions so as to better understand your case.
Institutions that offer foreclosure prevention counseling include
Coalition for Better Acre 517 Moody Street 3rd Floor Lowell, Massachusetts, 01854 phone 978-452-7523-801
Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership 10 Kirk Street P.O box 1042 Lowell, Massachusetts 01852-1042 Phone: 978-459-459-8490
Money Management International, Inc Lowell, MA 40 Central Street Lowell, Massachusetts 01852; phone 866-232-9080
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