Foreclosure Consequences

Foreclosure Consequences

Foreclosure is the process through which involuntarily a lender starts a process of reacquiring the underlying asset before the end of a loan/mortgage agreement in order to recover the outstanding debts, or voluntarily where a borrower seeks to end the mortgage...
Foreclosure Grants

Foreclosure Grants

For homeowners experiencing difficulty in making their monthly mortgage payments as required by their creditor, there are government programs at the state and federal levels that help homeowners avoid closure by providing them with grant money. This money is availed...
Foreclosure Fortunes

Foreclosure Fortunes

Properties are foreclosed almost every day in the real estate market. Investors find golden opportunities in these foreclosure circumstances because they can buy the property and sell it in an up market. There are numerous potential buyers for the property and the...
Foreclosure Defenses

Foreclosure Defenses

Successful defences against home foreclosures were relatively very rare until recently. Nowadays homeowners are challenging foreclosures successfully in courts and this is due to the fact that there is evidence that proves that the real estate industry has been lousy...
Foreclosure by power of sale

Foreclosure by power of sale

A foreclosure by power of sale is whereby the mortgage holder sells the mortgaged property without court oversight with the exception of judicial states where the foreclosure process has to go through the state court and be authorised. The power of sale is therefore a...
Rights After Foreclosure : Eviction Defenses

Rights After Foreclosure : Eviction Defenses

Eviction defenses are legally availed reasons as to why you should not be evicted from your home even after your home has been foreclosed. Thus if you have them at your disposal you should not be evicted. The following are the defenses available to tenants: Your...